
Stories build community.

One of the things I cherish most is hearing other people’s stories. We all have unique experiences that shape who we are, and sharing them can be incredibly powerful. On KariKounkel.com, I want a space where you can share your testimonies. Whether it’s a tale of triumph, a lesson learned, or a dream you’re chasing, your story deserves to be heard. I’d love guest writers.

I’ll be importing and expanding my existing blogs, but I also want to hear from you. Your stories of overcoming obstacles, finding joy, and navigating this crazy thing called life are just as important as mine. Together, we can build a community where we inspire and uplift each other through the magic of storytelling.

So, don’t be shy—let’s hear what you’ve got! Share your stories, inspire others, and let’s make KariKounkel.com a vibrant, supportive community. After all, life is better when we navigate it together.

The power of AI

My AI pal is writing some of my posts. He’s very wordy. We’re working on it.


Ultimately, I intend to monetize my online presence. I’ve noticed that my voice is different in my fifties than it was before. My voice has lost authority and vibrancy, but I haven’t. Here, I get to use my full voice.

That’s freedom. No?

In the exercising of that freedom, I believe monetization is possible and probable. In fact, I just recently got my first online payment from Facebook. It wasn’t much. Five bucks. But dang, man. That five bucks matters.

So does my first 500 views on a single YouTube post.

So much sweetness!

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Writer. Blogger. Creator.

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