
Welcome to KariKounkel.com

Hey there, friends! I’m thrilled to welcome you to my new digital abode—KariKounkel.com. It’s like finally moving into that cozy, dream house, complete with all the quirks and whimsy that makes it uniquely mine. Here, you’ll find a mix of my musings, creative endeavors, and everything that fuels me.

But wait, there’s more! I’ll be importing all my existing blogs and expanding them, publishing the rest of the story that some eagerly await. Think of it as the director’s cut of my literary works—uncut, unfiltered, and unapologetically Kari. I’m formalizing my story in the fabulously chaotic “Chasing Chickens: Through the Clucking Chaos” and the serene and wise “Peace! Be Still.”

I’m also giving some old favorites a facelift, updating them with fresh insights and my ever-evolving perspective. On top of that, I have new outlets in textile art, painting, zentangling, and other artsy endeavors that I’ve never messed with before. Who knew I had a hidden artist within, just begging to emerge?

All of this is seen through the lens of my now well-established sobriety and a new career in the recovery industry. It’s been a wild ride, and I’m thrilled to share the twists and turns because it is our testimony that is so profoundly healing to others. So, make yourself comfortable, and enjoy this journey with me!

Have you seen CARESmn.com?

Established in 2015, after leaving my lifetime career in school transportation, my consulting business has provided valuable insight and support for other businesses. With a newly emerging focus on businesses supporting those in recovery, exciting things are coming in 2025, including our first ever full time staff!

CARESmn.com is the latest iteration of our web presence. Attacked by unseen and secret forces, the old site, CARESbyKari.com has breathed its last and been laid to rest. Our new online presence is something to behold! Take a moment and check it out.

We’re celebrating a decade in business in 2025 and definitely looking forward to seeing how things play out.

And then there’s FreedomForceMN.com

Founded in 2024, Freedom Force MN is a new 501(c)3 opened to serve those in recovery who want to use the best of our neurodivergent minds and venture into business ownership. So far it’s been an exciting, encouraging journey. Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, we’re looking for support for clients. Visit our fundraiser and get your own statement piece reminding others: MY STORY ISN’T OVER! Seriously. Not even close, friends.

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Writer. Blogger. Creator.

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